Unleashing the Power of Content Intelligence: Revolutionize Your Finserv Marketing Journey

Unleashing the Power of Content Intelligence: Revolutionize Your Finserv Marketing Journey

Whether you call it word of mouth or dark social, referral traffic is extremely important in financial services. According to one study, as much as 26% of traffic comes direct. Once those visitors have arrived, well…what then? It’s every marketer’s goal to keep those people coming back to the website, continually increasing their trust, and eventually converting them into buyers. Obviously, content plays a critical role at all phases of the journey, but quantifying that value can be difficult, which makes improving upon existing performance even harder. In this post, we’ll take a dive into Knotch’s own data around content in the finserv industry, explore what’s working and what’s not and give you a game plan for maximizing your readers experience.

The problem with Finserv content today

If your marketing team is unable to get a baseline of what is working and what’s not, it can be impossible to know which steps to take to improve. We analyzed tens of thousands of content assets in the Finserv industry and found that 58% of content being produced have a neutral or negative effect on brand building. At the same time, a whopping 74% of those same assets play little to no role in moving customers to conversions. There are a few reasons as to why.

Boring, unengaging content that lacks personality

One of the main challenges finserv marketers face is creating content that stands out from the crowd. Too often, content produced by organizations in complex industries trend toward being dry, technical, and lacking in personality. This can make it difficult to capture the attention of potential customers and maintain their interest. Even if your topics are relevant and valuable, if it’s filled with jargon and lacks a unique voice, readers may quickly lose interest and fail to engage with the brand.

Lack of understanding of the target audience

If your content is written for everyone that could possibly show up on your blog then unfortunately, it is written for no one. Every piece of content should follow what copywriter Michael Masterson calls ‘The Rule of One’. In his words, it means that you should “write about one thing at a time. One good idea, clearly and convincingly presented, was better than a dozen so-so ideas strung together.” You can only accomplish this by having a clear understanding of what your audience is looking for.

Overemphasis on sales and self-promotion

The third, quickest way to turn readers away is by focusing solely on your product and how amazing it is. Your audience came to your website hoping to find the solution to a problem that they’re having. If the only answer you have for them is “buy our product” then you’re not providing any value up front. This, in turn, makes for an unequal relationship right off the bat with these prospects. These issues overall apply to a massive swath of the content assets we looked at—but not all of it. Within that data set there was a small subset that had a huge impact in driving conversions. So if you can make your poorly performing content perform like your best content, then that could have a massive impact on your business. Content intelligence is the way to do that.


The power of content intelligence

So the question is, how do you get all of your content to perform like your best? By increasing your Content Intelligence of course! Buyers across the board are more empowered and doing more research than ever before. It’s up to your teams to not only create content that resonates but monitor results and attempt to make every piece of content into a valuable part of the customer journey—and we’ve seen it happen. By applying Content Intelligence, our clients have decreased waste and increased brand sentiment by up to 5x, increased conversions by up to 3x and decreased the time to convert by up to 20%. All of that adds up to a highly optimized customer journey that yields real results for your business.

Start serving up content your audience adores

Our Content Intelligence platform can help guide you toward that bright, increased-conversion future. Our platform:

  • Goes beyond standard metrics. You can analyze content against business outcomes from brand to conversions. This way you have a clear picture of what good, average, and poorly performing content looks like.
  • Helps you understand the why. By breaking content down into its different characteristics and leveraging AI you understand why content assets perform the way they do.
  • Gives you a priority. Understand which pieces of content are underperforming as well as creating net-new content that is more likely to resonate with your audience.

Don't settle for mediocre content that gets overlooked. Embrace the power of Content Intelligence and make a meaningful impact on your finserv audience. Talk to a Knotch team member today to see how.

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“Before Knotch we did not understand what content was driving business results. Now we understand which content moves the needle. Knotch’s cohesive reporting and insights paint a real picture of what’s happening on our website instead of the patchwork quilt that comes from a Google Analytics approach.  With Knotch we have been able to re-prioritize ad spend, route better leads to our SDR team, and inform our content development initiatives.”

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Director, Digital Marketing, Insperity

"The Knotch platform to ensure that we deliver high-performing content tailored to young home shoppers, enhancing their experience and driving better business outcomes.”

Ravi Kandikonda
CMO, Zillow

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Brandon Lawson
Director of Content Strategy, Smile Train